Woodlem Park School admits children with a broad range of academic ability. However, consideration is given as to whether or not a child would genuinely cope with the curriculum and the School environment. Places are offered, subject to our assessment criteria, when we are confident that we can meet the needs of each individual applicant whilst maintaining the balance of needs within each year group.
Create and nurture reflective global citizens who think forward and empower themselves to actualize their potential.
Provide a future-focused education with a dynamic, inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework.
Build the capacity of key players in the learning community (educators, parents, and students) to collaborate productively.
Support and promote students in developing and practicing 21st-century skills through modern teaching and learning methodologies.
Utilize an empowering curriculum with effective aids to enhance the learning experience.
Facilitate access to appropriately advanced digital resources.
Help students evolve as future-ready citizens capable of responding to emerging challenges.
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